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By Chen Wei-han / Staff reporter

The nose cone of a US-made Standard Missile 2 (SM-2) surface-to-air missile deployed at a navy base in Yilan County was reportedly damaged by human error, suggesting a costly mismanagement of armaments by the military.

On an unknown date, a soldier accidentally knocked the missile during a routine maintenance check at a base in the county’s Suao Township (蘇澳), causing the missile’s nose cone to fracture, a report in the Chinese-language Apple Daily said yesterday.

However, the officer in charge of the maintenance work, a chief petty officer surnamed Lin (林), did not report the incident, but instead covered the cracks with adhesive tape.

The navy did not discover the damage until Jan. 9, when base personnel were scheduled to relocate the missile, according to the report.

The missiles cost about NT$30 million (US$966,619) each and have a maximum range of more than 150km. They are mostly deployed on major combat ships to intercept missiles and fighter jets.

Navy Command Headquarters yesterday confirmed the incident, but said that the damage was not caused by “external factors” such as human error.

The navy has “wrapped” the missile to preserve it and the missile “can be redeployed when the necessary parts are replaced,” the navy said.

The navy said it follows due process in maintaining its missiles, rejecting accusations that the weapon was not stored in the low-humidity environment stipulated in its maintenance manual, as a simple knock should not have caused the cracks.

Senior military analyst Erich Shih (施孝瑋) said the repairs could cost the navy up to tens of thousands of US dollars because Taiwan cannot produce the technical ceramics which make up the damaged nose cone.

“Slight damage to the nose cone — which shields a missile’s radar system — changes a missile’s aerodynamic configuration and the radar system could be damaged if the missile was launched,” Shih said.

It was likely that the navy failed to control the missile’s storage environment, exposing it to too much heat and humidity, or it could have been damaged when it was unloaded from a ship or put in a silo, he said.


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昨天輸球的「紅色閃電」古巴,今天對上實力稍遜的大陸隊,當然想盡辦法要拿對手來好好的「進補」一番,雖然前3局在大陸大聯盟級先發陳用彩的投球壓制下,沒能打下分數。不過陳用彩因用球數限制退場後,古巴隊開始展現可怕的打擊火力,全場敲出14安、打下6分,加上先發投手Vladimir Banos表現精采,主投5局無失分,終場古巴就以6:0輕鬆擊敗大陸。


陳用彩下場後,古巴隊顯然鬆了一口氣,並迅速在4局下展開了大舉的進攻,先是靠著Yoelkys Cespedes的深遠安打先馳得點,之後又在Yoelkys Cespedes和Alexander Ayala的連續長打下,擴大領先到4分差。

而中國大陸打線在古巴投手群的封鎖下,一籌莫展,古巴先發投手Banos投5局僅被楊順意敲出1安,飆出4K、沒有失分。接手的後援投手Vladimir Garcia和Livan Moinelo也都能力保不失,全場就僅讓對手擊出1安,聯手完封了大陸隊。

古巴此役打出14支安打,不過僅得到6分,不少得分機會都被對方漂亮的守備給化解,本場打得最好的2位球員,就是開路先鋒Roel Santos和Alexander Ayala,兩人都完成猛打賞的表現,並且一共打回3分打點,尤其在4局下拉開比數的2支長打,是本場比賽的關鍵。



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